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Tech Talk Cub Scout Nova Award (Technology) Helps and Documents

Tech Talk is the Cub Scout Nova Award for investigating technology. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics such as computers and cameras . They must also complete one of their adventures related to technology or do a related investigation.

Wolf Finding Your Way Adventure

Finding Your Way is one of the Wolf Cub Scout elective adventures. For the Finding Your Way adventure, Wolves learn map and compass skills.

Bear Forensics Adventure

Forensics is one of the Bear elective adventures. For the Bear Forensics adventure, Cub Scouts learn about law enforcement methods which are used to solve crimes.

Webelos/AOL Build It Adventure

Build It is one of the Webelos/Arrow of Light elective adventures. For the Build It adventure, Webelos learn about using tools safely and carpentry. Then they use what they have learned to build a project.

Dr. Luis W. Alvarez Supernova Award for Wolves and Bears

The Dr. Luis W. Alvarez Supernova Award can be earned by Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts who want to learn more about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. To earn this award, Scouts must complete the Code of the Wolf or Make it Move adventure. Then they do some activities to keep track of time or money. They also study probability and learn about careers in STEM fields. They can also use the Call of the Wild or Forensics adventures to fulfill some of the requirements for this award.

Dr. Charles H. Townes Supernova Award for Webelos

The Dr. Charles Townes Supernova Award can be earned by Webelos who want to learn more about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. To earn this award, Webelos must complete the Adventures in Science or Engineer adventure. They also do some activities related to geocaching, wildfires, rockets, constellations, aquariums, or terrariums. Cub Scouts investigate the scientific method and famous scientists.

More Cub Scout Nova Awards

Nova Awards are the BSA Awards focused on STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The Cub Scout Nova awards program provides age appropriate activities in these areas.


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