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The Addams Family Grace

Saying grace before a meal is a tradition in many families and Scout groups. It is a way to show thankfulness for food and those who prepared it. In Scouting, prayers and graces should be simple and meaningful. The Addams Family Grace is a fun way for Scouts to say thanks before eating.

This grace uses the tune of the old Addams Family TV show. Scouts snap their fingers along with the rhythm. The words are easy to learn and remember. The familiar tune makes it fun for all ages. Everyone can join in, even if they have never heard it before.

Singing graces like this one can help bring a group together. It sets a positive tone for the meal. Scouts learn to be thankful and to share in traditions. A grace like this makes it easy to include everyone in saying thanks.

A Scout is reverent. Saying grace is one way to live this point of the Scout Law. Scouts from all backgrounds can take part. The Addams Family Grace is simple, respectful, and brings people together.

Snapping to Say Thanks

The Addams Family Grace comes from the tune of the old Addams Family TV show. Over time, people have made up different lyrics to match the music. Scouts and other groups use this version as a fun way to say grace before meals. The snapping fingers and familiar rhythm make it easy to join in.

This grace is simple and focuses on giving thanks for food and loved ones. It does not mention any specific religion, so it can work well in interfaith gatherings. Scouts from different backgrounds can say it together. The words keep the message clear and respectful.

For a Scout’s Own service, this grace could be a good choice. It is lighthearted but still reminds everyone to be grateful. Because it is easy to learn, a whole group can take part. Saying grace like this can bring Scouts together in a shared moment of thanks.

The Addams Family Grace

Sing this to the tune of theme of the old Addams Family TV show, snapping fingers where indicated

Da da da dum (snap snap)
Da da da dum (snap snap)
Da da da dum
Da da da dum
Da da da dum (snap snap)

We thank you for this food Lord
For those who love us too Lord
We thank you for this food Lord
It helps us through the day

Ah – ah – men (snap snap)
Ah – ah – men (snap snap)
Ah – ah – men
Ah – ah – men
Ah – ah – men (snap snap)

More Resources

More Prayers and Graces

The Addams Family Grace is just one way Scouts can give thanks before a meal. There are many other prayers and graces that fit different occasions. Some are sung, while others are spoken. Scouts can choose one that works best for their group.

For more ideas, visit my Prayers and Graces page. It has a variety of options for meals, meetings, and Scout gatherings. Whether you need something simple or something everyone can join in on, you’ll find good choices there. Check it out here: Prayers and Graces for Scouts.

The Scout Oath

Frequently Asked Questions for the Addams Family Grace

What is the Addams Family Grace?

The Addams Family Grace is a mealtime prayer sung to the tune of the Addams Family TV show. Scouts snap their fingers along with the rhythm while giving thanks for food and loved ones.

Where did the Addams Family Grace come from?

This grace is based on the theme song from the Addams Family TV show. Over time, people created lyrics to turn it into a mealtime prayer.

Is the Addams Family Grace appropriate for interfaith gatherings?

Yes. The words focus on thankfulness and do not mention any specific religion. It works well for Scouts from different backgrounds.

Can younger Scouts learn this grace easily?

Yes. The tune is simple, and the snapping makes it fun to remember. Even Scouts hearing it for the first time can follow along.

When can Scouts use the Addams Family Grace?

Scouts can use it before meals at camp, meetings, or gatherings. It can also be part of a Scout’s Own service.

Do you need to snap your fingers?

Snapping is part of the fun, but if someone can’t snap, they can clap or tap instead. The rhythm is what matters.

Giving Thanks Is a Snap

The Addams Family Grace is a simple and fun way for Scouts to show gratitude before a meal. The familiar tune and snapping fingers make it easy for everyone to join in. It brings energy to the moment while keeping the focus on thankfulness.

Because it does not mention any specific religion, this grace works well in interfaith settings. Scouts from all backgrounds can take part together. It is a great choice for camp, meetings, or any shared meal.

Singing grace as a group helps build a sense of community. The Addams Family Grace makes it easy to share a moment of thanks in a way that includes everyone.

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5 responses to “Addams Family Grace: Simple Song of Thanks for 2025”

  1. Karen Rambo Avatar
    Karen Rambo

    although I don’t think many boys know the Flintstones anymore, another fun grace is to their tune

    God is great and God is good
    so let us thank him for our food
    God is great and God is good
    so let us thank him for our food

    A A A A A Amen
    A A A A A Amen

    God is great and God is good
    so let us thank Him for our
    we’ll thank Him for our
    we thank Him for our food.

    1. Suzanne Avatar

      Here is the version that I grew up with…

      God is great, God is good
      Let us thank him for our food
      By His hands we all are fed
      Thank you Lord for our daily bread


  2. kristine Avatar

    Here is another version – same tune – we use this one for Girl Scouts…

    We thank the Lord for giving
    This food we need for living
    For food and fun and friendship
    We thank thee now oh Lord.

  3. Rick Rambo Avatar
    Rick Rambo

    I have different words for this tune:

    TUNE: The Old Addams Family Theme

    Be present at our table LORD,
    Be here and every where adored.
    These mercies bless and grant that we,
    May love serve and obey Thee.
    Ah-ah-amen (snap-snap)* Ah-ah-amen (snap-snap)* Ah-ah-amen, Ah-ah-amen, Ah-ah-amen (snap-snap)*

    *Note: Cross arms when snapping fingers

  4. Ray Avatar

    My wife is tutoring children at a church day care and many of them come from broken homes. She wanted to give them a cute grace but didn’t want to use “Mom and Dad” in the words, so I suggested:

    We thank you for our food Lord,
    For family friends and you Lord …..

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