A time management question
KC sent in this question about having a Cub Scout meeting:
I have my very first ever tiger cub meeting tomorrow night and your site as been super helpful, thanks! Question, do they have to do the scrapbook page the first night? Seems like we are trying to fit a TON of stuff in that first night. Gathering, code of conduct, overview of the promise, salute, handshake, etc… I’m getting very nervous, I don’t want to mess this up and let the boys down…
Do Your Best!
First of all, as long as you are enthusiastic about the program, you won’t let the boys down. Just “do your best”!
No, you don’t have to do a scrapbook at the first Cub Scout meeting. If you feel you have two much material for one meeting, spread it out over two meetings. Every den is different and how fast you do things will depend on the number of Cub Scouts, their temperament, how much help the other parents give, etc…. And you don’t want to spend the whole meeting checking off requirements. Make sure there is time for fun and games.
Use your judgement about how much you can fit in a Cub Scout Meeting
If it seems like too much material for one meeting, spread it out over two meetings. Every den is different and how fast you do things will depend on the number of Cub Scouts, their temperament, how much help the other parents give, etc…. And you don’t want to spend the whole meeting checking off requirements. Make sure there is time for fun and games.
Also, remember that you don’t need to do requirements in order. So if you want to do part of Tiger Achievement 3 before you do Tiger Achievement 1, that is OK.
Plan ahead
I found it helpful to make a list of all of the meetings I intended to have that year. Then I would fill in a rough plan of what I though I would do at each meeting. For example, if there was a requirement for a hike, I would plug that into an October meeting rather than waiting until January. Some things fit in well with holidays. Do a craft to give to the moms at the meeting before Mother’s Day. But you also need to be flexible. Sometimes I would have to shuffle things around. And front load the “required” elements to earlier in the year and leave the electives for later.
Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be a great den leader.
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