The Twelve Days of Camping is another silly song for you. This works well at Christmas (because of the tune) or at camp (because of the theme).
I think all of the junk food on days seven through ten plus the pocketknives on day eleven resulted in the need for all of the band aids on day twelve.
The Twelve Days of Camping Song
Sing this to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas
On the first day of camping,
My mommy sent to me
A hammock to tie to a tree!
On the second day of camping,
My mommy sent to me
Two cans of bug spray,
And a hammock to tie to a tree!
Hopefully you know how the song goes. Continue on as follows:
Third Day: Three bottles of sunscreen
Fourth Day: Four clean shirts
Fifth Day: Five underpants (ham it up!)
Sixth Day: Six bars of soap
Seventh Day: Seven chocolate chip cookies
Eighth Day: Eight boxes of Twinkies
Ninth Day: Nine bags of chips
Tenth Day: Ten cans of cola
Eleventh Day: Eleven pocketknives
Twelfth Day: Twelve bandaids

More Songs for Scouts
Songs are a fun way to add some fun to a meeting or to get everyone involved in a campfire program.
Digital Scout Songbook
This page has 91 digital tracks for traditional songs from the official Cub Scout Songbook. So you can listen to the tunes to learn them.
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