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Bicycle Rodeo Applause, Cheer, and Song

Bob S asked

Do you any applause that would work for the Bike Rodeo?

Silly applauses and cheers are a great way to inject some fun and get your Scouts attention. I’m glad you are thinking about adding some to your bicycle rodeo. Here are a couple  which would work and reinforce some of the ideas being taught at your bike rodeo. And the bicycle version of the 911 song at the bottom was submitted by a reader on my 911 Song post and would also go with this theme.

For more ideas for your bicycle rodeo, see my  Cycling Cub Scout Theme page.

Bicycle Applause

Act like your getting on your bike and putting your helmet on. Then pretend you are pumping while saying “Pump pump pump up the hill”.  Try to look like you are going uphill.

Then stop pumping, face down a little like you are coasting downhill and say “Coast coast coast down the hill”.

Throw you hands up and yell “Look no hands!”

Bicycle Signal Cheer

Divide the audience into 4 sections. Four leaders stand in front and lead each section in their part of the cheer.

Section one shouts “Left Turn” while doing the hand signal for a left turn.

Section two shouts “Right Turn” while doing the hand signal for a right turn.

Section three shouts “Stop” while doing the hand signal for stop.

Section four shouts “Go” while pretending to pedal as fast as they can.

911 Song (Bicycle Version)

(To the tune of Jingle Bells)

Racing down my street
On a bike not fit to ride
Over the tires I flew
Landing on my side (ha ha ha)

The road is turning red
I think I’m almost dead
Will someone call an ambulance
I think I need a bed

Someone call the police
Take me to the hospital
And feed me some ice cree-eem

Someone call the police
Take me to the hospital
And feed me some ice cream!


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