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Make a Difference to One Scoutmaster Minute

About this Scoutmaster/Cubmaster Minute

This Make a Difference to One Minute can be used as a Cubmaster/Scoutmaster/Advisor Minute or it can be used with adults to encourage more participation in the Committee.

This also goes well with a discussion about citizenship. Many times when we talk about citizenship with Scouts, they think of something like joining the military or being a politician. But we all have opportunities every day to be good citizens and make a difference in our community.

Make a Difference to One Scoutmaster Minute / Cubmaster Minute

A man was walking along a beach with a friend. There had been a storm the night before and thousands of starfish were stranded on the beach, unable to get back to the water.

The man began picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean.

His friend said, “What are you doing? There are thousands of starfish on the beach. You can’t possibly get them all back in the water. Why waste your time? You won’t make a difference.”

The man looked at his friend, picked up a starfish, and threw it back into the ocean. All he said was, “I made a difference to that one.”

In our lives, we encounter many other people and have many chances to impact their lives. Don’t wait for opportunities to make a huge impact on the world. Do what you can in your own community, and you might make an difference on someone who really needs it.

More Resources

More Scoutmaster and Cubmaster Minutes

See more inspiring stories and minutes for your meeting. A variety of topics are covered by the inspirational stories on this page.

A Scoutmaster’s Thoughts on Making a Difference

Read this Scoutmaster’s reflection on why we do this. This will be helpful if you are trying to recruit more adult help for your unit.


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