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Neckerchief Slide Bracelet

About this Neckerchief Slide Bracelet

When ZM’s den received their Arrow of Light award and crossed over to Scouts BSA. My den gave me a gift which included a gift certificate and this Cub Scout neckerchief slide bracelet which one of the moms made.

I posted a picture and several people asked how it was made. Since I didn’t make it, I don’t know the specifics, but some pictures are shown at the bottom of this article. I know she got the links at a local craft store.

This would make a great gift for a Cub Scout leader. Or you can purchase a Cub Scout Leader bangle on Amazon.

Pictures of Cub Scout Neckerchief Slide Bracelet

The neckerchief slide bracelet

I really appreciated their thoughtfulness and thanked them. This was a great den with parents who were always willing to help out. That makes a den leader’s work so much easier!

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2 responses to “Neckerchief Slide Bracelet”

  1. Linda Avatar

    Neat idea for a Scouter Mom! Congraulations to ZM for receiving his Arrow of Light and going into Boy Scouts.

  2. Wendy Avatar

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!!!! Great idea!!!

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