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Sweet Corn Bread Recipe

This is a very sweet corn bread. In some areas, this would be called corn cake. The sweetness of the bread goes well with spicy foods like chili or ham and beans with lots of hot pepper sauce.

This is a pretty easy recipe. Just make sure you test for doneness. Variations in cooking conditions can cause this recipe to require a little more time to cook.

See more recipes and ideas for camp cooking.

Sweet Corn Bread


  • Charcoal fire (20 briquettes)
  • 12 inch Dutch oven
  • fork and bowl for mixing ingredients


  • Shortening to grease the Dutch oven
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 ½ Tablespoons baking powder
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup oil
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 ½ cups milk


  1. Prepare your charcoal fire.
  2. Thoroughly grease the Dutch oven with shortening.
  3. Mix the rest of the ingredients together and pour into the greased Dutch oven.
  4. Place 12 briquettes under the Dutch oven and place 20 on the lid.
  5. Bake for about 35 minutes. Insert a toothpick or thin knife into the center of the bread. If the toothpick or knife comes out clean, the bread is ready.

Serves 6 hungry campers.


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