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Webelos Parent Orientation

The Webelos program is different from the earlier Cub Scout programs, so would always I put together a little explanation for the parents in my den and did a mini-orientation for them. I try to get most of the program accomplished in meetings, but it really helps if they have a general idea of what our goals are.

I also think this is a good opportunity to ask them to help. They can look at all of the Webelos badges and see if they are related to something they do at work or for fun. I’m especially surprised sometimes to find out what people do in their spare time.

I rarely had an assistant den leader, so the parents in my den would have to take turns being the second adult at our meetings. If I knew which badges they might be able to help with, I would try match up the meeting they were helping to supervise with the badge.

Welcome to Webelos!

Your son or daughter has just completed the Bear year and is moving on to Webelos. The Webelos program is different from the Lion, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear programs in several ways:

  • Webelos is a transitional program between Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA. During the next year and a half, we will be doing more traditional scout skills like first aid, fitness, outdoor skills, and scout craft (knots and things like that).
  • Instead of earning belt loops, your son or daughter will be earning pins.
  • First the Webelos work on their Webelos badge. After that (near the end of fourth grade or in fifth grade) they will work on their Arrow of Light emblem – the highest award a Cub Scout can earn.

What Are the Webelos Adventures?

When your child completes the requirements for a Webelos or Arrow of Light adventure, he or she will receive a pin to wear on the uniform. These pins go on the Webelos colors, which are worn on the sleeve.

The requirements for the badges can be found in your child’s Webelos handbook. If you have any expertise in any of these areas, then your help with the badge would be greatly appreciated. Or maybe you have a relative or friend who could come to one of our meetings and give a presentation related to the badge we are working on.

How Does My Child Earn the Webelos Badge?

  1. Be an active in our Webelos den for three months.
  2. Complete each of the five required adventures
    1. Cast Iron Chef
    2. Duty to God and You
    3. First Responder
    4. Stronger, Faster, Higher
    5. Webelos Walkabout
  3. In addition to the five required adventures listed above, complete at least one elective adventure (for a total of at least six adventures).
  4. Complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide. Let me know when you have done this with him or her.
  5. Earn the Cyber Chip award for your age. (You can skip this one if you do not have access to the internet.)

We will try to do most of the requirements during meetings, but he or she might have to do some things at home also. Our goal is for all of the Scouts in our den to complete the Webelos badge requirements by December of their first Webelos year.

How Does My Child Earn the Arrow of Light Award?

  1. Be active in our Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade or for at least six months
    since becoming 10 years old.
  2. Complete each of the four required adventures
    • Building a Better World
    • Duty to God in Action
    • Outdoor Adventurer
    • Scouting Adventure
  3. In addition to the required adventures listed above, complete at least one elective adventure(for a total of at least five adventures).
  4. Complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide (same as the previous year)
  5. Earn the Cyber Chip award for your age. (Once again, you can skip this one if you do not have access to the internet.)

Once again, we will try to do most of the requirements during our meetings. Our goal is for all of the Scouts in our den to complete the Arrow of Light requirements by December of their second Webelos year.

Why Is the Arrow of Light Award Important?

The Arrow of Light award is the highest award a Cub Scout can earn. In addition, boys and girls who have earned the Arrow of Light can join the Scouts BSA Troop even if they are only 10 years old. If they don’t earn the Arrow of Light, they cannot join the troop until age 11.

Working on this award is also important because it prepares your son or daughter to be a member of the Scouts BSA troup. The Scouts BSA program is much different than the Cub Scout program. The experience your child gains while working on the Arrow of Light award will help him or her transition smoothly into the Scouts BSA Troop.

The Webelos Uniform

Webelos can continue to wear the dark blue Cub Scout shirt or they can wear the tan Scout shirt. There is no need to go out and purchase a tan shirt right away, but if your son or daughter is outgrowing their dark blue shirt, purchase the tan shirt as a replacement. Then they can continue to wear the tan shirt when they join the Scouts BSA Troop.


Just remember, if you have any questions, I am here to help.


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