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Den Chief Award (Den Chief Service Cords)

The Den Chief Award recognizes Scouts and Venturers who serve a Cub Scout den for one year, are trained, and are active members of their Troop or Crew.

The award is recognized with special red, white, and blue Den Chief cords, which is worn on the left shoulder under the epaulet. A certificate is also available.

Den Chief Award Requirements

  1. Serve the pack faithfully for one full year.
  2. Attend Den Chief Training (if available within year of service) OR be trained by the assistant Cubmaster and den leader.
  3. Know and understand the purposes of Cub Scouting.
  4. Help Cub Scouts achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting.
  5. Be the activities assistant in den meetings.
  6. Set a good example by attitude and uniforming.
  7. Be a friend to the Scouts in the den.
  8. Take part in weekly meetings.
  9. Assist the den at the monthly pack program.
  10. Meet as needed with the adult members of the den, pack, troop, team, or crew.
  11. Complete four of these projects:
    1. Serve as a staff member of a special Cub Scouting event, such as a Scouting show, bicycle rodeo, etc.
    2. Serve as a staff member of a Cub Scout day camp or resident camp.
    3. Advance one rank.
    4. Assist in recruiting three new Cub Scouts.
    5. Assist three Cub Scouts to become Webelos Scouts.
    6. Assist three Webelos Scouts to join a troop.
    7. Help to plan and carry out a joint pack-troop activity.
    8. Recommend to your Scoutmaster, or Venturing Advisor another Scouts BSA member, or Venturer to be a den chief.

Gathering Activities for Meetings

One of the best ways a Den Chief can help a Den Leader is to do a gathering activity with the Cub Scouts while the leader is setting up for the meeting.

Games for Cub Scout Dens

Find some games to play with your den here.

Songs for Scouts

These songs for Scouts are a fun way for a Den Chief to add some fun to a den meeting.

Cheers, Yells, Applauses, Run Ons, and Audience Participation

These are just to add fun to a meeting. This is a good way to get Den Chiefs involved at pack meetings.


Den Chiefs can also teach younger Scouts how to put on a skit. Here are some ideas.

Crafts for Scouts

Crafts can also be lead by an older Scout while the Den Leader is setting up the next activity.

Den Chief Service Award

Read more about this award on the BSA website.


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