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Summer Camp Recommendations

I often get emails recommending one summer camp or another. While I cannot personally visit each of these camps to review them, I’d like to give readers the opportunity to recommend camps to other Scouts and Scouters. So here is your opportunity. Just post your summer camp recommendation in the comments below.

You may recommend summer camps for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, or Venturers. Please include:

  • The camp name
  • Where it is located
  • Why you recommend it
  • Website (if you know it)

I’ll get you started with an example. This is a review of a camp I have been to and highly recommend:

For Cub Scout camping, I recommend Camp May at Beaumont Scout Reservation. Camp May is operated by the Greater St. Louis Area Council and is located just outside of St. Louis. As a camp dedicated to Cub Scouts only, Camp May can ensure that the needs of less experienced, younger campers are met. The excellent staff there will get your Cub Scouts excited about their outdoor adventures and encourage them to continue the experience in Scouts BSA. The camp has a pool, archery range, and BB gun range. They also run nature programs and scoutcraft programs to help Cub Scouts with advancement. Meals are served in a dining hall, but if you attend one of the longer camps you will have the opportunity to cook a couple of meals at your campsite. Standard canvas tents are provided with cots and floorboards. The staff also provides evening programs such as a night swim, astronomy, games, campfire programs and more. So if you are looking for a summer camp especially tailored to meet the needs of Cub Scouts, check out Camp May:  http://stlbsa.org/activities/camping/summer-camps/cub-scout-summer-camp/


One response to “Summer Camp Recommendations”

  1. LaVon Avatar

    Our Boy Scout Troop’s favorite summer camp is Camp Melita Island in Montana. Montana Council’s 64-acre Melita Island is on Flathead Lake. It is geared toward older Scouts and Venturers but those new to the Troop thought it was great too. It has a lot of aquatic-based activities and they work with Scouts to help them learn how to swim and pass the swim test. The Scouts were very happy with the food there too. They have an ACE (Advanced Camper Experience) program for older Scouts who don’t really need more merit badges. If you go to this link and download the Montana BSA Camping Guide, you will see Camp Melita’s offerings on page 6: http://www.montanabsa.org/scout-programs/camps/boy-scout-camps/camp-melita-island/

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