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Use the Force Star Wars Game

Star Wars Day is almost here. “May the fourth be with you.” So here is a Star Wars game for your den or pack. The idea is for each player to “use the force” to keep a balloon on a pool noodle light saber. This is a fun active game using soft objects so nobody gets hurt!

If you don’t have enough pool noodles for the whole group, play in rounds, tournament style.

For those who really want to get creative, use duct tape and electrical tape to make “handles” on the ends of the pool noodles to make them look more like light sabers.

How to play Use the Force Star Wars Game


  • pool noodles


  • balloons


  1. Each player gets a pool noodle and a balloon.
  2. Explain that they must use the force to keep their balloons on the pool noodles. Once the game starts, they cannot touch the balloons with hands, feet, etc.
  3. They all place their balloons on their pool noodles and try to keep them on there for as long as possible.
  4. If their balloon touches the ground they are out.
  5. The last player to keep their balloon up wins the round.


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