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Combining Cub Scout Dens: Bears and Wolves

A Question about Combining Cub Scout Dens

Tracy asked this question:

Has anyone had experience combining the wolf and bear dens (due to low numbers)? Is it possible and what is the best way to do this?

Combining Dens Can Work

Combining Cub Scout dens can work. I have heard of some dens which do this. The Wolves did the Wolf achievements and the Bears did the Bear achievements, but they worked on similar achievements at den meetings. I recently did a combined Lion and Tiger meeting. The Lions worked on Lions Honor and the Wolves did their Bobcat requirements.

There is a lot of overlap between the two.  If you look at the Wolf and Bear achievements and electives, you will see that many work well together.

Does anyone out there have direct experience with combining dens? Add your ideas to the comments below.

Den Meetings in a Very Small Pack

This is a similar question from a Scouter about how to handle den meetings in a very small pack. See the ideas which other Scouters responded with.

Cub Scout Adventures by Topic

Also check out this Cub Scout Adventures by topic guide from Southern Crescent District. It will help you see how various adventures line up with each other.

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5 responses to “Combining Cub Scout Dens: Bears and Wolves”

  1. Kathleen Petersen Avatar
    Kathleen Petersen

    I have been a den-leader of a combined wolf/bear den and found it very do-able and it actually has some benefits. I found that the older boys actually become role-models and mentors to the new boys as they come in. Both benefit.

    For planning activities, one week I would choose a gathering activity that passes off a wolf requirement or elective (one that can be done fairly quickly) and a main activity (that takes more time) that passes off a bear achievement or elective and then switch the next week. Often, wolf and bear requirements can be easily combined, such as making bird feeders and identifying birds, making and playing a game, visiting a nature center or wildlife refuge and researching a animal or learning about an extinct animal, ropes & knots, using wood-working tools, “Be Safe” & “Be Ready” and so forth.

  2. Jamie Dunn Avatar
    Jamie Dunn

    I have joint Wolf and Bear (and Webelos) meetings. I use the Alternative Cub Scout Delivery Manuals, which are designed for small packs. You can find the manuals here –

    Year A: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/multicultural/pdf/523-006_web.pdf

    Year B: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/membership/pdf/523-021.pdf

    I adapt and change the plans, by adding my own resources and games. I have yet to use the “catch up” meeting plans – instead we do a belt loop or another activity, such as making a den flag.

    An historical note:
    In the beginning of Cub Scouting, dens were a group of neighborhood boys of ages 8, 9 and 10. Each boy worked on his own achievements (Wolf, Bear or Lion) at home or during the den meeting – each level had similar achievements, so they could be worked on at the same time. The achievements got more complex as the boy matured.

    Age based dens came along later, when the baby boomers created big bump in Scouting participation.

  3. Deanna Avatar

    I’m new to cub scouts and I have a combined den of wolf, bear and webelos using the new program implimented in 2015. It’s hard to find anything online about combining dens. One blogger at Wiggle Poke Giggle Zoom has a super schedule on her blog or use this link http://ablogforharmony.blogspot.com/p/super-schedule-for-combining-dens.html
    I have combined 3 adventures so far on my blog at http://www.deannawelch.com under cub scouts or use this link http://embracingmymission.blogspot.com/search/label/Cub%20Scouts
    I hope to add more as we progress thru the months. Maybe one day an official book will be written to help out small packs. Till then I guess we just help each other! Good luck!

    1. Cathy Avatar

      These are so helpful! are they designed with the NEW program? We have never had a successful Bear or Wolf dens because they are so small. This is the first year we are combining these

  4. Kalyn Parmenter Avatar
    Kalyn Parmenter

    This must have been a great resource for the old books, but unfortunately with the new books, the adventure names and requirements are different. I hope Boy Scouts makes a new one. Deanna’s info looks great so far.

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