- Complete each of the 6 Webelos required adventures:
- Bobcat
- My Community
- My Family
- My Safety
- Stronger, Faster, Higher
- Webelos Walkabout
- In addition to the 6 required adventures listed previously, complete at least 2 Webelos elective adventures of your den’s or family’s choosing.
- Aquanaut
- Art Explosion
- Aware and Care
- Build It
- Catch the Big One
- Champions for Nature
- Chef’s Knife
- Earth Rocks!
- Let’s Camp
- Math on the Trail
- Modular Design
- Paddle Onward
- Pedal Away
- Race Time
- Summertime Fun
- Tech on the Trail
- Yo-yo
- Archery
- BB Guns
- Slingshot
Get a check off sheet for the Webelos Badge
See more helps and resources for the Webelos Badge at https://scoutermom.com/44978/webelos-badge-for-cub-scouts/