Objective: The objective of the Four Facts game is for players to share four facts about themselves, with one of them being false, and for the other players to correctly identify which fact is not true.
- Paper
- Pencils
- Randomly divide the group into smaller groups of four to six people each.
- Each player in the group writes down four facts about themselves, with one of them being false. The false fact should be plausible enough to make it difficult for the other players to guess which one is not true.
- Once everyone has written down their facts, one player from the group starts by reading their four facts to the group.
- The other players in the group then try to guess which of the four facts is not true.
- After each player has made their guess, the reader reveals which fact was false.
- The next player in the group then takes their turn to read their four facts, and the game continues in the same fashion until all players in the group have had a chance to read their facts.
- The player who correctly identifies the most false facts at the end of the game is the winner.
- For a shorter game, players can be asked to write down only three facts, with one being false.
- To make the game more challenging, players can be asked to come up with more obscure or difficult-to-guess false facts.
- Instead of asking players to come up with random facts, players can be asked to come up with facts related to a particular theme, such as their favorite food, a memorable vacation, or a significant life event.