See this YouTube video for the melody and actions
Do this song like a rap. When you get to the “Moo moo moo moo”, one person puts his thumbs out and a partner pulls on them like he is milking a cow.
Rap the chorus:
Don’t give me no pop no pop
Don’t give me no tea no tea
Don’t give me no juice no juice
Just give me that milk
Wisconsin milk
Moo moo moo moo!
Give me a little m
m (say softly and make a little m with your fingers)
Give me a big M
M (say loud and make a big M with your arms)
Rap the chorus
Moo moo moo moo!
Give me a little i
I (say softly and make a little i with your fingers)
Give me a big I
I (say loud and make a big I with your arms)
Rap the chorus
Moo moo moo moo!
Give me a little l
l (say softly and make a little l with your fingers)
Give me a big L
L (say loudly and make a big L with your arms)
Rap the chorus
Moo moo moo moo!
Give me a little k
k (say softly and make a little k with your fingers)
Give me a big K
K (say loud and make a big K with your arms)
Rap the chorus