Look around the meeting space and check off the safety items you find. If something is missing, write down why it is important.
Fire Safety:
☐ Smoke detectors are installed and working
☐ Fire extinguisher is easy to find and ready to use
☐ Emergency exits are clear and not blocked
☐ Fire escape plan is posted or known
First Aid and Emergency Supplies:
☐ First aid kit is available and stocked
☐ Emergency contact numbers are easy to find
☐ Flashlight with working batteries is available
☐ Poison control number is posted
General Safety:
☐ Hazardous materials (cleaners, medicines) are stored out of reach
☐ Heavy furniture and TVs are secured to prevent tipping
☐ Window locks are working properly
☐ Electrical cords are in good condition and not frayed
Other Safety Features:
☐ Meeting space has a clear address posted for emergencies
☐ Doors and windows close and lock properly
☐ A phone or way to call for help is available
☐ Pathways are clear to prevent tripping
For more information, see https://scoutermom.com/50126/webelos-my-safety-den-meeting-plan/