- Glass jar with a wide mouth
- Pencil (long enough to rest on top of the jar)
- Rough string or yarn (not nylon)
- Scissors
- Paperclip
- Pan to boil water
- Spoon
- 3 cups sugar
- 1 cup water
- Cut a piece of string a few inches longer than the height of the jar.
- Tie a paperclip to one end of the string.
- Tie the other end of the string to the pencil.
- Place the pencil across the top of the jar so the string hangs inside. The paperclip should be about an inch from the bottom. Adjust if needed.
- Remove the pencil and string from the jar.
- Boil the water in a pan. (Use safety precautions!)
- Remove the pan from the heat.
- Stir in one spoonful of sugar at a time until no more will dissolve. If sugar collects at the bottom, stop adding more.
- Pour the sugar water into the jar.
- Dip the paperclip end of the string into the solution, then roll it in dry sugar. This helps the crystal start growing.
- Place the pencil with the string back on top of the jar.
- Set the jar in a quiet place where it will not be disturbed.
- Leave it for at least two weeks.
- Remove the string and check out the crystal!
- If you cannot boil water during the meeting, prepare the sugar solution ahead of time.
- Try using food coloring to make colorful crystals.
- See what happens if you use different types of sugar.
- Crystals grow best in a warm, dry place. If the air is very humid, it may take longer.
- Remind Scouts to be careful with hot water. An adult should handle boiling and pouring.
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