Walk around and talk to different Scouts in your den. Ask them questions to find someone who matches each statement. When you find someone, write their name in the blank. Try to talk to as many different Scouts as possible! You can only use the same person’s name twice.
Find someone who…
has been camping: _______________
has a pet: _______________
likes pizza: _______________
can whistle: _______________
has the same favorite color as you: _______________
has a sibling: _______________
can name all the points of the Scout Law: _______________
enjoys reading books: _______________
has the same favorite sports team as you: _______________
has helped someone this week: _______________
likes to draw or do art projects: _______________
For more information see https://scoutermom.com/50150/bear-bobcat-den-meeting-plan/