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Tiger Tech All Around Adventure

The Tiger Tech All Around Adventure is an exciting activity for Tigers in Cub Scouts. This adventure helps young Scouts discover and learn about technology in their daily environments. By exploring technology at home, in their meeting places, and around their neighborhoods, Tigers become more aware of how technology impacts their lives.

Through this adventure, Tigers also learn about the benefits of digital technology. They explore how devices and apps can make daily tasks easier and more efficient. This is a great way for Scouts to see the practical uses of technology in everyday life.

Safety is a key part of this adventure. Tigers are taught how to use digital technology safely. They work with their parents or guardians to set up rules for using devices at home. This helps them understand the importance of responsible technology use.

Overall, the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure is not just about learning technology. It also promotes personal responsibility and safety. Tigers gain valuable skills that will help them as they grow and continue in scouting. This adventure is a fun and educational experience for all involved.

Requirements for the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure

Tech All Around Adventure Requirements

  1. Discover technology around your home, meeting place, or neighborhood.
  2. Discover ways that digital technology can make life easier.
  3. Identify an item of digital technology you use at home.  Demonstrate to your adult partner how you use it safely.
  4. With your parent or legal guardian, set up a policy for digital devices.

Resources for the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure

Where Is Technology?

Discover technology around your home, meeting place, or neighborhood.

For the first requirement of the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure, Tigers are encouraged to explore and find technology in familiar places like their homes, meeting spots, or neighborhoods. This helps them notice how much technology is part of their everyday lives.

Here are some ideas for den leaders to help Tigers meet this requirement:

  • Technology Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of common technology items for the Tigers to find at home or during a den meeting. This can include items like a microwave, computer, or a smartwatch. Tigers can check off items as they find them.
  • Neighborhood Walk: Take the Tigers on a walk around the neighborhood to spot technology used in public spaces, like traffic lights, ATMs, or solar panels. Discuss how these technologies help people.
  • Show and Tell: Have each Tiger bring a piece of technology from home to a den meeting. They can show their peers how it works and talk about what it’s used for.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Tech All Around Adventure requirement 1:

These activities make learning about technology fun and interactive for the Tigers. They also help Scouts realize how technology helps us in many ways every day.

Making Life Easier

Discover ways that digital technology can make life easier.

For the second requirement of the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure, Tigers explore how digital technology simplifies tasks and improves daily life. This activity encourages Scouts to think about the practical benefits of technology.

Here are some ideas for den leaders to guide Tigers in discovering how technology makes life easier:

  • Discussion Circle: Have a group talk where each Tiger shares one digital device or app they use at home and explains how it helps them or their family. For example, a Tiger might talk about how a tablet helps them do homework or how a smart home device turns lights on and off.
  • Problem-Solving Activity: Give the Tigers a simple problem, like needing to wake up early for school or remembering to do chores. Discuss as a group how different technologies, like alarms or reminder apps, can solve these problems.
  • Technology Role-Play: Set up stations with different technologies, like a laptop, a smartphone, or a voice-controlled device. Let Tigers use these technologies to complete simple tasks, like sending an email or setting a reminder, so they can see firsthand how these tools aid in accomplishing tasks.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Tech All Around Adventure requirement 2:

  • Technology Charades
    • A game of charades that identifies how technology has made life easier.
    • Supplies: Life Easier Charades Cards, index cards, magic markers, timer
    • indoor, moderate energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • The Way It Was
    • Tiger adult partners share what life was like before modern technology.
    • Supplies: none
    • indoor, very low energy, minimal prep

These activities help Tigers see and experience the convenience and efficiency that technology brings to everyday life, making the concept more relatable and understandable.

Demonstrate Safe Use

Identify an item of digital technology you use at home.  Demonstrate to your adult partner how you use it safely.

For the third requirement of the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure, Tigers are asked to pick a digital technology item they use at home and show their adult partner how to use it safely. This task helps Tigers become aware of safety when using technology.

Here are some ways den leaders can help Tigers with this requirement:

  • Safety Demonstration: Encourage each Tiger to choose a device like a tablet, smartphone, or computer. They can prepare a short demonstration on how to use the device safely. For example, they can show how to set up a password, adjust privacy settings, or safely navigate the internet.
  • Guided Discussion: Have a discussion about the importance of safety with technology. Talk about why it’s important not to share personal information online, how to recognize safe websites, and why we should keep software up to date.
  • Create Safety Posters: Tigers can create posters that outline key safety tips for using their chosen technology. These can be displayed during den meetings to remind everyone of safe practices.

Here is an option for fulfilling Tiger Tech All Around Adventure requirement 3:

  • Be Safe with Technology Tiger
    • Discuss digital technology that the Cub Scout has access to and proper use.
    • Supplies: Tiger handbook page 60, crayons
    • indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep

By completing this requirement, Tigers learn to be cautious and responsible when using technology, which is a crucial skill as they grow and use more digital devices.

Digital Device Policy

With your parent or legal guardian, set up a policy for digital devices.

For the fourth requirement of the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure, Tigers work with their parent or legal guardian to create a set of rules for using digital devices at home. This helps Tigers understand the importance of responsible and safe use of technology.

Here are some key elements that could be included in a digital device policy:

  • Screen Time Limits: Decide how much time the Tiger can spend on digital devices each day. Include different rules for weekdays and weekends.
  • Appropriate Content: Make rules about what types of websites, games, and apps are appropriate for the Tiger to use. Discuss why some content might not be suitable.
  • Privacy Settings: Review and set privacy settings on devices and online accounts to ensure information is protected.
  • Sharing Information: Include rules about not sharing personal information like home address or phone number online without permission.
  • Device-Free Times or Areas: Set times or places where digital devices should not be used, such as during family meals or in the bedroom at night.

Here is an option for fulfilling Tiger Tech All Around Adventure requirement 4:

Creating this policy with their parent or guardian teaches Tigers about the responsibilities that come with using technology and helps them develop good habits early on.

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

Before beginning this Adventure, review Digital Safety and Online Scouting Activities.

More information

Frequently Asked Questions for the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure

What is the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure?

It’s an activity where Tiger Scouts learn about technology around them and how to use it safely.

What do Tigers learn in this adventure?

They learn about different technologies in their daily lives, how technology can make life easier, how to use technology safely, and how to set rules for using devices.

How can Tigers complete the first requirement?

Tigers can complete the first requirement by finding and listing different technologies at home, their meeting place, or neighborhood.

What are some examples of digital technology that can make life easier?

Examples include smartphones for communication, computers for homework, smart home devices for convenience, and apps for organizing daily tasks.

Why do Tigers need to demonstrate safe use of technology?

Demonstrating safe use helps Tigers understand the importance of privacy and security when using digital devices.

What might be included in a digital device policy?

The policy might include screen time limits, rules about which websites and apps are safe to use, privacy settings, and guidelines about where and when to use devices.

Who should be involved in setting up the digital device policy?

The Tiger Scout should create the policy together with a parent or legal guardian.

Navigating the Digital Jungle

The Tiger Tech All Around Adventure is designed for Tiger Scouts to explore and understand the role of technology in their daily lives. This adventure encourages young Scouts to recognize various technologies around them, from simple household gadgets to more complex digital devices used in their communities.

Throughout this adventure, Tigers embark on a journey to discover how technology can simplify tasks and enhance daily routines. They learn the practical benefits of using technology and the importance of using it responsibly. This includes understanding what technology is safe for them to use and how it can make everyday tasks easier.

Safety is a crucial element of the Tiger Tech All Around Adventure. Tigers are taught to identify safe practices when using digital devices. They demonstrate to their adult partners how they use a specific piece of technology safely at home. This helps build their confidence and knowledge about the digital world.

Finally, Tigers and their guardians work together to create a policy for using digital devices at home. This policy covers essential aspects such as screen time limits, appropriate content, and privacy settings. Setting up this policy helps Tigers learn the importance of boundaries and rules when using technology.

The Tiger Tech All Around Adventure equips Tigers with fundamental skills and knowledge about technology, setting the stage for responsible and informed use as they grow. This adventure is about understanding and navigating the vast digital landscape safely and wisely.


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