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Eagle Palms and Merit Badges Question

Reader Cindy asked this question

I want to know… if my son has earned all of his Eagle Required Merit badges, but has not “Eagled up” ie has not completed his project or had his Eagle Board of review, do the additional merit badges that he has earned after the Eagle required mb’s count toward the Eagle Palm. I have been told various things.

Thank you

Cindy, the “extra” merit badges – those not used as one of  the 21 merit badges (total of Eagle required and elective badges) to meet the requirements for Eagle – can be used for Eagle palms, regardless of when he earned them. There is no requirement that those be earned after attaining the rank of Eagle.

See requirement 4 in the Eagle palm requirements below (directly from Scouting.org). They specifically state that merit badges may be earned any time since becoming a Boy Scout.

Merit badges earned any time since joining Scouts BSA may be used to meet this requirement.


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