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We Don’t Have a Skit Skit

This skit is great because it can be used with any number of Scouts. It is also a good skit to do with younger Scouts because they don’t have to remember many lines.

Because the joke of this skit is that you forgot to prepare a skit, it works best at an event or campfire where each den or patrol was supposed to prepare a skit ahead of time.

We Don’t Have A Skit Skit

Players: Four or more Scouts

Props: None

The Skit

A Scout comes in and looks at the audience. Then he sits on the stage, crying loudly.

Then another Scout comes in. The first Scout whispers something to the second and the second one says “Oh no!” He sits down next to the first and starts bawling.

A third Scout comes in and the second Scout says “I can’t believe it” and sits down crying loudly.

The Scouts keep coming in and doing this until all but one of them is on the stage.

The last Scout comes in and says “What is wrong?”

One of the crying Scouts answers “We don’t have a skit”.

Related Resources for We Don’t Have a Skit Skit

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More Skits

Every campfire program should have plenty of skits. They also make a great intermission in a meeting. Sometimes they teach a lesson, sometimes they don’t, but they are always fun.


3 responses to “We Don’t Have a Skit Skit”

  1. Veronica Avatar

    My Tigers did this skit at our 2nd pack mtg of the new year and they did great. I had one of my Webelos II come out at the end. It was fun.

  2. Mia Avatar

    Did for AHG girls and they loved it!

  3. Rodrigo Celada Avatar
    Rodrigo Celada

    i love this skitt, i will translate it to my scouts, we are a Scout group in Guatemala

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