Requirements for Activity Patches
A reader sent this question in:
What do you call the little activity patches that that circle around a larger patch “Great Activities” that goes on the red brag vest? I have quite a number of different little patches that I would like to give out to my scouts. Is there a list with pictures of what these different patches would be awarded for? Some are obvious, like one with a capitol for a state capitol visit, one with a fire helmet and axes for fire station visit. But some I have no clue…a coffee cup, a musical note, a lightbulb. Can anyone help me?
Thank you,
Jeanne Braun
CM, Pack 149
Madison, WI
I think the patch you are talking about is a generic activity patch and is not an official part of the Cub Scout program or another BSA program. It would be appropriate to give out to Cub Scouts as a recognition for their accomplishments, as you might give any other non-official token, but there are probably not any specific requirements. So just use it as you think is meaningful to the Cub Scouts.
Resources Related to Activity Patches
Hands On Activities at Den Meetings
A reader asks “Our den leader does 90% paperwork and talking at den meetings on the items in the handbook. Is this they way it is or are there other packs and dens that do hands on activities to accomplish same goals? “
Who Plans Cub Scout Pack Activities?
A reader asks about who plans Cub Scout Pack activities. “Isn’t it the responsibility of the committee to plan the year, and the Cubmaster to execute?” Ideally, the committee chair would work cooperatively with the Cubmaster, the activity chairs, and other committee members.
How summer activities benefit your pack
Activities aren’t just for the school year. Do some things during the summer too.
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